Ian Sansom
We are embarking on another exciting project with our favourite writer and collector, Ian Sansom.
Jeffers & Sons are working with Ian to create a unique Identity, Stationery and Website to help create a consistent look and feel that will sit comfortably beside Ian's incredible talent.
As part of the process we interviewed Ian to discover how he works. In his words:
"It's embarrassing, of course, to talk or write about oneself, to show off, to presume that other people might be interested in one's own sad and wasted life, when clearly other people have sad and wasted lives of their own to be getting on with.
As a child it was always impressed upon me, as a matter of the utmost importance - more important almost than any other virtue, in fact, the first of the commandments - not to be a ‘big head’. There was no greater a slur, no more forceful a dismissal when I was growing up in the Sansom household, around our tiny blue formica-topped kitchen table, or later - when we had the extension put on – around the smoky-brown laminate breakfast bar, than for my mum or my dad to describe someone, politicians usually, but often also teachers, and doctors, or indeed anyone in authority, who presumed to speak out on behalf of themselves or others, as a big head."
To see more from Ian watch the video we did here.